signs for healthcare in kelownaWhen you think about signs for businesses in Kelowna, chances are you will picture a retail store or food chain. However, industries like healthcare require specific signage in and around their facilities. Healthcare signage is some of the most important out there. Without proper signage in a place like a hospital, things can quickly become chaotic. It is crucial that there is adequate signage in a hospital for a number of reasons.

Follow along below to learn about the importance of signage in healthcare and what types of signs are needed. 

What is the Importance of Healthcare Signs for Businesses in Kelowna?

signs for healthcare facilities in kelowna

Healthcare signage does a number of things in a medical facility. First off, proper signage will send the right message to patients. A new and functioning sign will let patients know that your facility is well taken care of. Furthermore, a sign can provide patients with information about the facility and the services offered. It is important that your sign reflects the kind of service that patients can expect to receive. 

Moreover, signs are great when it comes to helping people find their way around during difficult times. Most individuals who visit a medical office or hospital are likely dealing with a major medical issue. Because of this, it is vital that they are able to make their way around the facility with ease. Proper healthcare signage can help direct them to the building or office that they need to go to without any added stress.

In addition, good signage can offer visitors key information about the medical center they are in. For instance, the latest pandemic protocols, specific policies, and/or procedures to increase the workflow of the facility. By letting patients know what they need as they walk in, you limit the time it takes to help each person in need. 

Lastly, any medical facility needs to have emergency/hazard signs. There are plenty of hazards in a medical setting. For instance, equipment that uses radiation, sharps disposals, biohazards, etc. It is extremely important that these dangers are indicated with bold signage. 

What Kinds of Signs Can Be Used?

signs for kelowna healthcare operators

There are so many options for signs in a healthcare setting. However, the most important kind of sign that a medical center needs, is wayfinding signs. These signs can be hung from the ceiling, attached to doors, or put on a sandwich board. Wayfinding signs need to be clear and precise in a healthcare setting. Using symbols can also be valuable in helping patients who may not speak the language. Generally, people will be able to process symbols and images much quicker than words. This is especially helpful during chaotic times. Ensuring that people get to where they need to go in a timely manner is the number one priority in a healthcare facility. With good wayfinding signs, you can help better the patient’s overall experience.

Another important kind of signage in a hospital is changeable signs. These can help staff update and direct patients with the latest information. With a changeable sign, staff can easily update signs on the go without extra hassle. For instance, they can change what doctors are available, update on emergency situations, and provide information about wait times.  Signs that can be changed without taking too much time are essential in a place like a hospital.

Furthermore, emergency signs are another essential part of a healthcare facility. There need to be exit signs, fire escape signs, hazard signs, and restricted access signs. This way patients stay out of harm’s way and don’t get in the way of doctors and nurses. 

Contact Us About Healthcare Signs for Businesses in Kelowna!

There are many different signs to purchase when it comes to helping patients in a healthcare facility. The signs mentioned above can be valuable in limiting confusion and promoting good workflow. Signs are an essential part of a successful medical building. If you have any questions about getting signs for business in Kelowna don’t hesitate to reach out. To learn more about what material is right for your needs or to receive a quote, contact us at SignCraft today. We look forward to helping you achieve your signage goals. For more information check out our social media page, and feel free to call us at any time!