From all of us at Kelowna’s favourite sign company, here at Signcraft we would like to wish you the happiest of holidays! 2020 was one of the most challenging years in recent history, especially for some of our business customers. We all struggled to find our rhythm during the ongoing global pandemic. For ourselves, we quickly found ourselves adapting to the needs of our loyal customers. We were able to help more than a few retail and restaurants stay open with the addition of PPE equipment to our Kelowna sign shop.

There were most certainly more downs than ups this year. That’s why we really hope that you can find some time at the end of this year to unwind. Hopefully that also includes a little bit of time for you to reflect on what your business needs are for 2021. As always at this time of year, we like to provide you with a list of what we think the trends will be as they relate to indoor, outdoor and vehicle signage in the year to come. Take a read through as we take you through our signage trend predictions such as personalization, minimalism, & sustainability.

Will your Kelowna sign company make it personal for your customers?

Well our Kelowna sign company will! That’s right – if you guessed that personalization was going to be a mega marketing trend for 2021, then you’re on the right track. 2020 was so sad and lonely for most people especially with all the self isolation and quarantining. Once 2021 rolls around and we start to see more people integrate back into their old lifestyles we can expect to also see some pent up neediness. We think that neediness will be soothed into submission with some really personal signage.

What does personalization mean when we refer to your customers? That’s where we look to you for ideas and for telling us what it is that speaks directly to your customers hearts and minds. We want to take that messaging that’s in your customer’s head and we want to amplify it with signage. This will let your customer know that you feel them. By showing some key brand empathy you’ll impress upon your customers that you get them. Your signage can show that you support them even when times are tough.

This Kelowna sign company will make it personalized but in the most minimal of ways!

Sometimes you want a Kelowna sign company that just gets it. Hey – that’s us! We get it and in most cases we’ve done it before, but we are always, always up for a new challenge! If 2021 is all about personalization then we have to consider the most effective way to spread the message. We think that 2021 will be one of the most minimal signage years that we’ve seen in recent times. At this time of year we can all be a little sign fatigued! From 6ft apart stickers, to mask-up notices, floor decals and more it seems as though we are all doing a lot of reading these days.

That’s why Signcraft is betting on minimalist signage for 2021 trends. Retailers and restaurateurs want to give their customers a break from all that reading and fine print. Look for more visual signage, bigger graphics, and shorter and succinct messaging. We also think that colours will be bright, cheery and bold to brighten up spirits for a new day ahead!

We also want to help save the world. Is that too much to ask for 2021?

Saving the planet is an ongoing plight and one that this Kelowna sign company doesn’t take lightly. We are calling 2021 as one of the years that businesses get more sustainable with their signage. Sustainable business practices are thankfully becoming more common across all spectrum of industries. That means that customers are asking where things come from, how they’re made and how the product will affect the planet one it comes time to dispose of it. We expect that 2021 will see even more of our customers ask these questions as they take a hard look at their businesses sustainability footprint.

What do you think about our predictions for the near future? Did we miss anything or do you have anything to add to our list? Let us know – we would love to hear from you!

Have a restful, peaceful holiday break and reach out to us if you’re looking for a Kelowna sign company to help you with planning your 2021 retail comeback with some amazing new commercial signage!