Indoor signage and advertising is one of the most important things you can do inside your business. Your Kelowna signs are essentially one of your best salespeople you have, as the signs help your customers navigate your store and find the things they want easily without actually having to speak with a salesperson.

When thinking about your store layout and where to place signage, there are specific things you can do, and here are the best practices to keep in mind when doing so:

signs Kelowna,Kelowna sign company,sign companies KelownaDisplay specific information

Having a Kelowna sign company make a custom sign can be very useful when placed in the right location, this is known as narrowcasting. When you are designing the sign, include very specific details such as the location of the product or the product information.

Keeping it simple

Your indoor signage needs to be clear and easy to follow. If you try and squish too much information into the sign it can become hard for your customers to read and they may ignore it. Using the five second rule helps in this case: If your sign gets the message across in less than 5 seconds, then you’re good to go. If it takes longer than 5, then you need to shorten the message.

signs Kelowna,Kelowna sign company,sign companies KelownaText style matters

When designing your sign you need to remember that the headline and the other text in your sign matter. Think of things like, can you take anything out to make extra space, if it’s getting too jumbled. Use this effective hierarchy when designing your sign: headline, text, call to action.

Calls to Action

Indoor signage throughout your store is advertising, and as any good advertisers and Kelowna sign company know, your sign needs to get the customer to take action, hence the name “Call to Action.” So make sure your signage includes this.

These are just a few of the best practices for your indoor signage, but for more information and expert advice contact your local sign experts at SignCraft today!