commercial lighting fixturesIn 2021 there have been many trends – including in the commercial lighting industry. People are making a push to go green and save energy this year. Lighting is becoming the centerpiece of commercial design. With more and more companies looking to implement transformative fixtures, there are now a variety of aspects to commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna. Join the movement for a greener, happier future with great commercial lighting from SignCraft. Read along below to get a feel for what customers and employees are looking for in a commercially lit place. 

Commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna are good for your health.

Lighting is key in your work environment. It can subconsciously affect the productivity of you and your employees. Good lighting should reflect the task at hand and foster a great work atmosphere. Studies have shown that the way a space is light can drastically affect the way a person performs. Furthermore, the mood of a person can be highly affected by certain hues of light. Our bodies respond differently to each variation. Poor lighting or gloomy lighting can contribute to the adaptation of mental disorders such as depression.

Many businesses are using this research to improve their lighting schemes for a better customer and employee experience. While daylight remains to be the best light for humans, it gets dark fairly quickly in the fall and winter. Leaving us very reliant on fixtures. However, it’s important that workplaces factor in how their lighting will affect the efficiency of their employees and happiness of their clients. 

Go Green!

There has been a surge in customers looking to purchase LED lighting for their space. LED’s (or light emitting diodes) are a long-lasting, energy efficient method of illumination. These types of bulbs are often better quality than traditional incandescent bulbs. Moreover, they use less energy. Therefore, saving you money on your next electrical bill. Not only that, but you will be contributing to a greener and cleaner planet. Many of these bulbs come with special perks like: colour changing ability, additional brightness, added clarity, dimming features, and more! They’re available in a multitude of uses for every commercial application. Get commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna now and save big. 

Outdoor commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna are just as important!

Who knew outdoor lighting would become such a necessity. More and more employers are realising the benefits of having outdoor lighting. From well-lit parking lots, to great sign lighting, it’s important to keep your business light at night. Parking lot lighting will help reduce accidents between customers. It also makes your company look more reputable and trustworthy. Parking lot lighting can reduce the chances of a person slipping and falling or getting any on-site injuries. 

Bright signage can make the difference in where a customer stops late at night. Chances are the brighter, more attractive sign will win. Get ahead of your competition and buy a great sign and lighting to ensure you stay at the top of your game. This investment will draw the eye to your store and bring in more business. 

Good outdoor lighting also makes your business at a reduced risk for crime. Theft and violence make for bad publicity. So, decrease your chances of attracting crime by hiring SignCraft to put in proper outdoor commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna.

Transformative lighting is perfect for your business. 

The ability to control the light of your environment is a powerful thing. It can help you retain a customer’s attention in their shopping experience. Being able to dim the lights in certain areas of your store or change the colour can add to the experience of visiting your business. With online shopping becoming more popular, it’s hard to bring people into real life stores. This is why various places are turning to lighting to create an ambient and desirable experience. In sum, by using light as a tool, business owners are able to get people into the store and keep them coming back. 

Commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna are a top way to go green and create the best experience possible. Commercial lighting is an important part of a successful company. To learn more about commercial lighting fixtures Kelowna or to receive a quote, contact us at SignCraft today. We look forward to helping you achieve your lighting goals. For more information check out our social media page, and feel free to reach out to us at any time!