
Signcraft is reaching new heights!

Big news!  Literally!  We have replaced our existing maintenance/installation vehicle with an Elliott V60 Hi Reach Truck.   We will now have a working height of 63 feet!!    Elliott is the premier manufacturer of trucks specially designed with the sign industry in mind and this model is the perfect fit for work in the Okanagan Valley.  This new truck will keep Signcraft at the head of our industry

By |2014-03-06T22:17:18+00:00March 6th, 2014|Blog, News|0 Comments

Konquer Motorcycles

Congratulations to Jeff and the team at Kreater Motorcycles, they have just completed their rebranding to Konquer Motorcycles. This was somewhat of a challenge as were instructed to keep the changeover under wraps until the install day, what with all of the sign and graphic production taking place in our shop! But, with our super stealth management, we were able to keep the secret. We are now happy to

By |2014-03-06T22:14:28+00:00March 6th, 2014|Blog, News|0 Comments

Starting a New Business?

Statistics show that signs attract HALF of a start-up business' new customers. Is your new sign poised to generate that kind of business? Here are some key points to consider when researching signage for your new business. Budget: Starting off with a budget will not only help you with planning and forecasting, but it will also give your sign company a good place to start when suggesting ideas. So, what is my

Summerland Gets Historic Monument Signs

Signcraft teamed up with local artist Peter Soehn, designer Robert Inwood, and the District of Summerland to fabricate, sculpt and install two very large "Welcome to the District of Summerland" signs at the north and south entrances to Summerland along Highway 97. This exciting project took approximately 3 months to complete. Through the process Signcraft had to coordinate the efforts of several subcontractors, including urethane foamers, fibreglass workers, concrete

By |2009-05-06T22:40:37+00:00May 6th, 2009|Exterior|0 Comments
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